Northalsted Market Days festival were a huge success. Chicagoans responded positively to MFA’s colorful display of Vegetarian Starter Kits, vibrant, veg-themed banners, the latest edition of Compassionate Living, and a variety of trifold brochures – all of which encouraged passersby to reconsider their dietary habits. As the literature sparked conversation, volunteers were ready with thought-provoking responses that created a constructive dialogue regarding the power of our food choices.
Our “Not Cool” t-shirt also made our booth stand out, causing pedestrians to do double-takes with its eye-catching and cute design. A majority of those who stopped by signed up for our weekly email newsletter, The Voice, and donated towards our efforts to end the suffering of animals in today’s massive and mechanized factory farms.
Areas surrounding the booth were also hopping with activity because of our enthusiastic leafleters who passed out our newly released, Compassionate Choices pamphlet. Thanks to our volunteer, Willie, our table had a cute little Chihuahua to attract people to our table and also to spark the question, “Why love one but eat the other?” Leafleters also heard success stories from new vegetarians who expressed their thankfulness for receiving a leaflet months ago that inspired them to go vegetarian. Thanks to all of the volunteers, whose compelling dialogue concerning our food choices successfully spread MFA’s message of compassion across the streets of one of Chicago’s favorite festivals.
Outreach efforts at this weekend’s
Our “Not Cool” t-shirt also made our booth stand out, causing pedestrians to do double-takes with its eye-catching and cute design. A majority of those who stopped by signed up for our weekly email newsletter, The Voice, and donated towards our efforts to end the suffering of animals in today’s massive and mechanized factory farms.
Areas surrounding the booth were also hopping with activity because of our enthusiastic leafleters who passed out our newly released, Compassionate Choices pamphlet. Thanks to our volunteer, Willie, our table had a cute little Chihuahua to attract people to our table and also to spark the question, “Why love one but eat the other?” Leafleters also heard success stories from new vegetarians who expressed their thankfulness for receiving a leaflet months ago that inspired them to go vegetarian. Thanks to all of the volunteers, whose compelling dialogue concerning our food choices successfully spread MFA’s message of compassion across the streets of one of Chicago’s favorite festivals.