MFA Urges Green Festival Attendees to Eat Green

Activists with MFA were out in full force this weekend at Chicago's premiere environmental extravaganza, Green Festival!  We educated the thousands of attendees from the eco-conscious community about the link...

MFA Joins NYC Veggie Pride Parade

Hundreds of animal, health, and environmental vegetarian advocates celebrated the second annual New York City Veggie Pride Parade yesterday, including a strong showing by Mercy For Animals members. Check out...

Big News! Maine Bans Veal & Gestation Crates

On May 13, Maine Governor John Baldacci signed landmark legislation banning two of the cruelest and most abusive factory farming confinement methods in the state - veal crates and gestation...

MFA Grills Oprah Over KFC Promotion

Whether fried or grilled, chickens raised and killed for KFC restaurants lead lives filled with pain and suffering. On May 8th, members of Mercy For Animals gather outside Harpo Studios...

Vegan Baking: Cooking Without Eggs

Vegan baking whiz Sangeeta Kumar, host of MFA's popular, has just release a new video outlining easy and healthy vegan substitutes for baking without eggs. See how common household...

Get Inspired by the New “I Am MFA” Video

A diverse group of animal advocates give a united voice to the founding ethics that drive the work of Mercy For Animals.  Watch the video, then promote to friends and...

Swine Flu – Brought to You By Factory Farming

A must-see news report on the role intensive factory farming has with swine flu.

State Workers Fall Ill After Raiding Maine Egg Farm

You've been hearing a lot about MFA's latest undercover investigation at New England's largest factory egg farm, were our hidden camera video documented birds crammed in tiny cages, live birds...

Nine Billion Annually…and Counting

Each year over 9 billion farmed animals meet their cruel, merciless deaths on the kill floors of our nation's slaughterhouses. The number is staggering, depressing, and nearly unimaginable...until now.Animal Visuals,...

Fowl Play Wins “Best Documentary Short” at Fallbrook Film Festival

The forthcoming MFA documentary Fowl Play has been called a lot of things, including "eye-opening," "moving," "inspirational," and "life-changing." Now a new title can be added to the film's growing...