In a recent video by The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Garth
Davis discusses his personal journey from meat eating to plant-based eating
after a series of health scares.
Dr. Davis, a weight loss professional, was diagnosed with
high cholesterol, hypertension, and a fatty liver. It was at this point in midlife
that he realized everything he thought he knew was a lie. On the belief that
animal proteins would build lean muscle, he used to eat chicken and eggs and “hit
the gym. This belief, held by so many people in the Western world, isn’t only
false; it’s downright dangerous. Watch:
Dr. Davis is now vegan and knows that plant proteins are the
healthiest. In his new book, Proteinaholic,
he discusses America’s addiction to meat and offers tips on healthy eating. He reveals
that doctors aren’t taught nutrition in medical school and claims many
physicians lack fact-based knowledge of the health risks posed by animal
America’s meat addiction is so extreme that young men are actually
consuming enough meat to make themselves sick.
Plant-based foods are not only better for your health; they
also save countless animals from lives treated as mere meat, milk, and egg
machines on factory farms.
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