Ryan Eggold, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Moby just explained three of the cruelest meat industry practices—and what you can do to help. Released across Mercy For Animals’ social media channels and racking up around 280,000 views, each video highlights a particularly horrific practice addressed by the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act (IAA).
Since it was introduced in the Senate and House, Mercy For Animals has been rallying support for the IAA. This groundbreaking piece of federal legislation addresses deplorable practices involving treatment of “downed” animals, farmed animal transport, and high-speed slaughter lines.
Downed Animals
In this powerful, heartbreaking video on “downed” animals, actor Ryan Eggold explains that each year about half a million pigs arrive at U.S. slaughterhouses so sick, exhausted, or injured that they can’t stand. As USDA records show, these animals are often prodded, dragged, shocked, and beaten in attempts to make them move.
Animal Transport
In this harrowing video, actor Jessica Parker Kennedy explains that billions of animals a year endure awful conditions on their heartbreaking journeys from farms to slaughterhouses. Many die from dehydration, asphyxiation, and severe injuries due to overcrowding.
Slaughter-Line Speeds
U.S. slaughterhouses kill up to a staggering 175 chickens per minute, 1,100 pigs per hour, and 390 cows per hour. In this video, illustrious musician and DJ Moby explains just how fast their slaughter lines have to move to keep up—and how dangerous high-speed slaughter lines have disastrous consequences for both animals and people.
Take Action
The IAA would help ease animal suffering by banning unlawful slaughter practices involving downed farmed animals, shortening the time farmed animals can be transported without being unloaded, ending dangerous high-speed slaughter lines, and more.
Over 175 organizations and individuals have signed an endorsement letter in support of this pivotal piece of animal protection legislation. These advocates come from a wide range of backgrounds, including animal welfare, public health, labor, environmental, religious, and agricultural.
Take action today by urging your representatives to support the IAA!