This past weekend the world’s first Vegan Oktoberfest took
place adjacent to the beach in beautiful Santa Monica, California. Modeled
after the original German festival, which is known to offer a lot of meat, the
Vegan Oktoberfest provided a fun and cruelty-free alternative.

Packed with beer, cider, and food vendors, the festival
began at noon and lasted into the evening. The crowd swelled and a line formed
around the block to gain entry. Stewedsheidzel, a veteran Oktoberfest band, welcomed
revelers from the stage with traditional German anthems.

Festival-goers dined on German-style soft pretzels from Sage
Bistro, pizza topped with brussels sprout shavings, vegan sausage, and nondairy
cheese from Urban Pie, and an array of vegan ice cream varieties from Divine
Dips. Other food options included a vegan grilled cheese truck and Southern
Fried Vegan’s comfort food.

Many local breweries from Golden Road to Drakes provided
beer for every pallet and Ace Premium Hard Cider served a delicious and
seasonally appropriate pumpkin cider.

We’re so thrilled Vegan Oktoberfest was such a huge success
and we hope it spurs similar festivals across the country.