According to Science
World Report, scientists have been eavesdropping on cows and their
calves in an attempt to understand how they communicate with each other.
The author explains, “Scientists have long thought that cows
use individualized calls to communicate with each other. In order to find out
whether this was the case or not, though, the researchers spent ten months
studying the ways cows communicate with their young, examining acoustic
indicators of identity and age.
The researchers have identified two distinct calls from
mother cows: a low frequency call that they use when they are close to their
calves, and a louder, “much higher frequency call that they use when they are
separated from them.
According to the researchers themselves, “The research
shows for the first time that mother-offspring cattle ‘calls’ are
individualized – each calf and cow have a characteristic and exclusive call of
their own.”
Cows are extremely social animals, and the bonds between
them and their calves are especially strong.
This is one of the many reasons the dairy industry is so
incredibly cruel. Cows are routinely separated from their newborn calves only
hours after they’re born so farmers can take their milk. Cows have been reported
to bellow for days in distress over their stolen babies.
You can learn more about the cruel realities of the dairy
industry here. You can also
help put a stop to this suffering by switching to a kind vegan diet. For tips
and tricks on making the transition, check out