A new article in Time
magazine details yet another reason to ditch dairy: “Studies have found a
connection between the consumption of dairy products and a higher risk of
developing Parkinson disease, the neurodegenerative disorder that affects motor
neurons in the brain.
Scientists from Shiga University of Medical Science in Japan
found that the brains of men who drank two glasses of milk each day showed
signs of compromised nerve function while the brains of men who drank little or
no milk did not. This is largely believed to be the result of contamination by
pesticides and insecticides.
Countless studies have shown dairy products to be
detrimental to human health.
Just last year, a study highlighted by The
Telegraph found a link between milk consumption and lowered life
expectancy. In fact, those who consumed three glasses of milk or more each day
were twice as likely to die early than those who drank less or no milk.
And milk’s not just harmful to your health. MFA’s undercover
investigators have exposed horrific animal cruelty at dairy farms around the
country. Just take a look at this video from an Idaho dairy farm:
Ready to ditch dairy for good? Visit ChooseVeg.com today to learn about
delicious and humane vegan alternatives.