Vegan Ice Cream Booms in NYC’s Manufacturing Sector

According to, demand by hipsters could boost manufacturing in New York City. “Although the overall manufacturing market has plunged over the last decade, the specialty food market, propelled by the ‘hipster economy,’ has grown 27 percent over the past five years, the article explains.

Among the booming? Vegan ice cream.

The article highlights several small companies started by young entrepreneurs during the recession, including Alchemy Creamery, a vegan ice cream manufacturer out of Long Island.

After selling both dairy and nondairy versions of the frozen treat, J.D. Gross, co-owner of the company, explained, “The market spoke—the vegan ice cream sold better.

This should come as no surprise. As the market for delicious plant-based foods continues to grow, tasty new vegan foods are showing up in stores around the country every day. In fact, just this week, Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Jerry Greenfield announced that his company was working on dairy-free ice cream.

Dairy cows suffer miserably on modern farms, and with all of the delicious vegan products already on the market, including ice cream, there’s never been a better time to adopt an animal-friendly vegan diet.

For delicious dairy-free versions of your favorites, click here.