Piglets bashed to death headfirst against the floor… Pigs
deprived of food for days at a time… These and countless other instances of
horrifying abuse and neglect have just been exposed at a supplier to Hormel
Foods, the maker of SPAM.
An undercover investigator with Animal Legal Defense Fund
captured footage of these sickening practices at the third-largest pig factory
farm in the United States. The investigator also documented animals suffering
from open wounds, prolapsed rectums, and bloody cysts.
See for yourself:
As Mercy
For Animals investigations have repeatedly shown, the pork industry is rife
with torturous conditions for these highly intelligent, emotional animals.
Pregnant mothers are commonly forced to live in cages so small the animals
cannot even turn around or take a few steps for months at a time. Newborn male
piglets often have their scrotums sliced open with razorblades and their
testicles torn out by hand.
If we wouldn’t pay someone to torture a dog or cat in these
ways, why would we pay the meat industry to do the same to pigs? Each one of us
has the power to say no to animal abuse by replacing animal products with delicious, healthy, and convenient vegan