Devastating Fire Destroys Poultry Barn Housing 70,000 Chickens

On July 18, a fire destroyed a large commercial building that held around 70,000 chickens at an egg ranch in the rural eastern highlands of San Diego County. The fire broke out in a big hen house at Demler Brothers Pine Hill Egg Ranch. According to county records, the burning building was one of 10 identical poultry structures on the 362-acre property, which confines over two million hens.

When firefighters reached the location, Fire Captain Mike Cornette informed the Coast News that the building was completely engulfed in flames. Worries about the fire reaching nearby buildings with tens of thousands of laying hens and surrounding vegetation moved fire officials to raise its classification to a wildfire. Air tankers and water-dropping helicopters joined ground crews in fighting the fire.

Pine Hill Egg Ranch has stirred public debate in recent years. Demler Brothers received a cease-and-desist order from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board in 2022 for illegally releasing polluted wastewater and stormwater on the ranch. This created foul-smelling, brownish-red, frothy water in the nearby Santa Teresa Valley Creek.

Industrial animal agriculture is a major contributor of global greenhouse gas emissions, worsening the climate crisis. This industry not only causes routine suffering for people and animals but often overlooks the needs of animals in emergencies. The cramped conditions in factory farms create serious obstacles for emergency evacuations. What’s more, other fires and the industry’s reactions underscore how the industry does not view animals as sentient but as nothing more than products.

Like all animals, chickens deserve to be treated with compassion and respect, not as mere “ingredients” in our food system. But there is hope. By making conscious choices about what we eat, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these sensitive animals. Start exploring plant-based eating today!