A Florida landscaper accused of purposely running
over baby ducklings with his lawnmower is facing nine counts of animal
Jason Falbo was taken into custody after local residents witnessed
the gruesome incident and called the police.
While this act of criminal cruelty is shocking and disturbing,
for the egg industry it’s business as usual. Since male chicks don’t produce
eggs, the egg industry considers them useless. Each year millions are disposed
of in giant macerators that grind them up alive.
Too horrible to believe? Check out this undercover
investigation conducted by Mercy For Animals at HyLine Hatchery. At this
facility, 150,000 male chicks are ground up alive every single day.
It’s the pinnacle of hypocrisy when one man is charged with
cruelty to animals for killing nine baby birds and an entire industry gets off
scot-free for the exact same crime committed thousands of times over.
If all of this upsets you, the good news is you don’t have
to support it. For eggless recipes and tips on baking without eggs, visit ChooseVeg.com.