Vegan memes are an internet craze, according to a report by Konbini.
Through a trends tool on meme website, Konbini found
that use of “vegan had increased by 6,930 percent since January 2016.
Writer Lydia Morrish explains:
Some people regard memes as silly images with a bit of text and no substance. But actually, these seemingly dumb visuals illustrate areas of society in often profound ways. Memes are significant in public discourse surrounding politics, pop culture and even mental health. And no matter how much we play down the sharing of hundreds of thousands of these basic, pixelated but charming creations, memes highlight important shared cultural moments for the internet generation and beyond.
Last year The
Guardian highlighted the exponential growth of veganism among
teenagers. Profiling several vegan teens, the author concluded that animal
protection, sustainability, and improved health largely motivated them. Not
surprisingly, many were exposed to vegan messages on social media sites, such
as Instagram.
Social media and tech play a big role in the spread of ideas.
Veganism is no different. In fact, sharing factory farm footage is an important
way to help farmed animals, as many people are so far removed from where their
food comes from.
So what are you waiting for? You can help create a vegan
world by sharing some of Mercy For Animals’ most powerful investigative
• Farm to Fridge: Narrated by James
Cromwell, this compelling 12-minute film gives viewers an eye-opening look
behind the closed doors of the nation’s factory farms and slaughterhouses.
• What Cody Saw: One man’s search to
uncover the truth puts his life on a course he never expected. This film
features a former MFA undercover investigator.
Order your FREE Vegetarian Starter Guide today
and learn more about leaving animals off your plate.