Statement on House Committee on Agriculture’s Farm Bill Markup

The following statement regarding the Farm Bill markup in Congress may be attributed to Leah Garcés, president and CEO of Mercy For Animals:

“Mercy For Animals is extremely concerned to see that the House Committee on Agriculture’s May 23 markup left Section 12007 of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act, which mirrors the horrible EATS Act, intact. This language would undo years of hard work to increase farmed animal protections, like California’s Proposition 12, which California voters passed into law. This language seeks to undermine states’ rights, and we are disheartened to see that industry-friendly Democrats voted in favor of setting such a dangerous precedent. Mercy For Animals would never support a Farm Bill that preempts states’ rights to fight for protections for farmed animals.”

—Leah Garcés, CEO & President, Mercy For Animals
