After MFA exposed horrific animal abuse for a second time at Seaboard Foods—a major
Walmart pork supplier—the company issued a press release complaining it
was the last to know how animals at its own
facilities were treated. Instead of going to the
police to report animal abuse at Seaboard Foods, the company says people should
call its toll-free hotline.
Of course, people who witness animal abuse should report it
to the police, and Seaboard should know what’s happening at its own
facilities. But since it doesn’t, let’s take this
opportunity to tell the company.
If you haven’t seen it already, here’s an
inside look at how Seaboard treats pigs:
Although physical violence by workers against
pigs is common, perhaps the worst form of institutionalized animal abuse at
Seaboard is the use of inherently cruel gestation crates—barren metal and
concrete cages that make it impossible for pigs to turn around or lie down
comfortably for nearly their entire lives.
In fact, gestation crates are so inhumane they
have been banned in nine U.S. states and many of Seaboard’s top competitors,
including Smithfield and Hormel, are phasing them out. It’s time for Seaboard
to do the same.
Please call Seaboard at 866-676-8886 and leave
a polite message urging the company to ditch gestation crates. You can say,
“Cramming animals in gestation crates so small they can barely move for nearly
their entire lives is inherently cruel. Seaboard, please ditch gestation
Then, please share the hidden-camera
video with friends and encourage them to take action too. And if you
haven’t already, please consider ending your support for needless cruelty to
animals by adopting a compassionate vegan