Life for chickens raised for meat is hell on earth. From cruel breeding practices and cramped living conditions to horrific slaughter methods, all these birds know is agony.
Noodles & Company is one of many companies that promised to eliminate the worst animal cruelty from their chicken supply chain by 2024. Now, with policy deadlines rapidly approaching, dozens of companies—including Pret A Manger, Jack in the Box, and Panera—have shared their progress toward fulfilling their commitments. But restaurant chain Noodles & Company, a poor performer in Mercy For Animals’ 2023 Count Your Chickens Report, has failed to do the same.
Noodles & Company even removed their policy from their website’s animal welfare page, leaving customers wondering if they’ve abandoned their commitment altogether.

We Are Turning Up the Pressure
When companies promise to do better for the animals in their operations, we must ensure they follow through. This is why Mercy For Animals has launched a public awareness campaign urging Noodles & Company to finally break their silence.
To amplify our message and supporter voices, we recently ran print ads in the Denver Post, Boulder Daily Camera, Longmont Times Call, and Loveland Reporter Herald—four newspapers in markets important to Noodles & Company—calling on the restaurant chain to demonstrate transparency in meeting their chicken welfare commitment.
We also launched a Wild Posters campaign across Denver spotlighting Noodles & Company’s lack of transparency, and we amplified this initiative with a mobile billboard that traveled around Denver for a whole week.

Take Action
While the most powerful way to help animals is to leave them off our plates, billions of birds suffer unimaginable cruelty in company supply chains, and they need us now more than ever.
Together, we can ensure Noodles & Company upholds their commitment to reducing chicken suffering. Fill out the form at NoodlesAndCruelty.com to urge the chain to publish progress and a plan for fulfilling their chicken welfare promise. Because accountability matters.